
Through research, we aim to reach diverse social groups and bring their voices to decision-making, provide services to projects and programs and increase research impact. Research makes up 50% of the services IRIM has undertaken. The key areas are as follows:

  • Policy Research
    This category of project involves researches regarding evidence-based policy-making and implementation. It also involves analysis expected and unexpected outcome and impact of projects and programs.

    Policy Research on Open Data Policy for Special Mining Licenses in Mongolia, NRGI, 2017.

  • Opinion polls
    This category of research usually has large sample with objectives of collecting public opinion and perspectives over certain issues.

    Public Opinion Poll, IRI, 2022

  • Socio-economic research
    This category of research are conducted to study socio-economic situations of the target populations or groups of a project and program and/or assess outcome of them.

    Socio-economic Impact Assessment of the COVID1-19 Pandemic in East Timor, World Bank, 2022.

  • Thematic research
    This category of research is an in-depth study of a certain topic, including gender, disability, family and artisanal mining.

    Baseline Assessment into the Causes, Dynamics, Vulnerability and Resilience Levels to Trafficking in Mongolia, IOM, 2020.

  • Knowledge,Attitude & Practice (KAP) surveys
    This category of research are aimed to behavoral changes, including knowledge, attitude and practice of target groups and public and study causal relationships.

    Climate Change Awareness and Media Consumption Survey in Mongolia, GGGI, 2022.

  • Action Based Research
    Нийгмийн тулгамдсан аливаа асуудлыг шийдвэрлэхдээ тодорхой арга хэмжээ, үйл ажиллагааг туршиж, үр дүнг үнэлж, үүндээ тулгуурлан шинэ мэдлэг туршлагыг бий болгон судлах нийгмийн судалгааны төрөл юм. Ихэвчлэн боловсрол, шинжлэх ухааны салбарт нийтлэг ашиглагддаг  

    Development of the National Comprehensive Plan: Public-private partnership promotion, JICA, 2021