
Clients and partners

In the past, our organization has successfully completed more than 320 national and international projects in partnership with over 100 clients and 50 partner organizations. The majority of these collaborations involved international development partners and government organizations. By prioritizing the establishment of trust and fostering regular cooperation, we are consistently nurturing relationships with numerous customers and partner organizations. 

  • We have extensive experience in organizing research and evaluation of projects and programs commissioned by major international organizations; such as: United Nations affiliates, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Union, and the Swiss Development Agency.
  • In addition, we have undertaken advanced research, and monitoring and external evaluation of development projects of international non-governmental organizations (World Vision, US Asia Fund, Mercy Corp, IRI, etc.).
  • We have also regularly cooperated with national institutions and implemented projects with more than 20 government organizations; such as: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science, Cabinet Secretariat of Government of Mongolia, and the Governor of the Capital city. 

External relations and membership

By continuously expanding the Institute’s network – joining national, regional, and international professional associations and groups - IRIM expresses views, raises awareness and issues, and promotes solutions. This covers matters representing Mongolia, and attempts to open new doors of cooperation and relationships.


IRIM’s membership in Mongolia:
IRIM initiated the Mongolian Evaluation Network; that integrates government and non-governmental organizations’ representatives, international experts, and consultants. In collaboration with other members, IRIM is committed to practicing international evaluation standards in Mongolia.
IRIM became a freelance member of the National Committee on Gender Equality, in 2017. Representing CSOs and the private sector, IRIM is making efforts to ensure gender equality in the social science sector, and mainstream gender equality in government policies.
Since 2019, IRIM has been a member of the Civil Society Consortium, which aims to support the development of civil society organizations, by participating in the revision of the Law on NGOs.
IRIM’s membership worldwide:
Since 2011, IRIM has been the official Mongolian member of the International Association of Sociologists (ISA) and strictly adheres to the Code of Ethics approved by the organization.
In 2016, IRIM initiated (and continues to implement) the annual Social Well-being Survey in Mongolia. Within this context, IRIM joined the International Consortium of Subjective Well-being of Asia, in October 2017.
In August 2016, IRIM became the first Mongolian organization to join the Asia-Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA). In 2017, IRIM was elected a member of the Association's board of directors.
Since 2010, IRIM has been working as a member of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific (Foundation).
IRIM became a member of the Central Asian Countries’ Innovation for Change initiative in 2017. Since September 2018, IRIM has been working as a board member of the network. At present, IRIM is working with network members with the aim of protecting the rights of the CSOs and creating ways to overcome the challenges they face.
In 2019, IRIM became a member of the Give2Asia international donation network. The network is a USA-centered, non-profit organization, running operations in 23 Asian countries. Give2Asia raises funds to support community projects and programs, aimed at addressing issues facing developing countries in Asia. By joining this network, we initiate and implement projects aimed at protecting the rights of disabled people in Mongolia and increasing their participation.
IRIM became a member of Asian Democracy Research Network (ADRN) in 2020. The network was established in 2013 and conducts research and analysis in the field of promoting democratic governance and human rights in Asia. Currently, 21 major think tanks, from 14 countries, are members; and they are known internationally for their Asia Barometer research.
In 2022, IRIM joined the Central Asia Institute for Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC), an institute dedicated to promoting development through cooperation; leading to accelerated economic growth and poverty reduction. Since then, IRIM has been participating in the Central Asian Think Tanks Development Forum (organized annually by CAREC) and consistently enhances its understanding of regional economic cooperation, sharing Mongolia's contextual experience as a research organization.